Artificial Intelligence Art
The development of AI (artificial intelligence) technology is closely related to us. As an excellent tool, it will help us complete the design more efficiently and will also replace some types of jobs. Therefore, we should keep up with the pace of the times, make full use of tools, and give full play to the uniqueness of people instead of being replaced by machines.


Simple notes from my visit to museums.
In the field of Design:
(In actual experience, only few people read the text accompanying the design carefully, so the text here is used as filler and aesthetics only haha)Monet produced a series of easel paintings that were conceived independently from any decorative project. Their creation extended over several years, during the summer and early autumn on days when the heat became unbearable in the new studio after lunch. To varying degrees these works bear the mark of eyesight distorted by cataracts: the colours are sometimes dark or garish, sometimes matching or contrasting.


(In actual experience, very few people read the text accompanying the design carefully, so here my text is used as filler and aesthetics only haha)Piet Mondrian is the founder of the Neoplasticism in the abstract art. As he created this style himself in the Netherlands, during the First World War, he explains his inspiration, saying “It is logical that art is the plastic expression of our nature, but it is also logical that art is the expression of the nature inside us and around us.” The new movement he created was part of the circle of Theo Van Doesburg, founded in the Netherlands and based on the geometric order of the lines and the spiritual harmony that was craved at the time by the suffering Europe.
(In actual experience, very few people read the text accompanying the design carefully, so here my text is used as filler and aesthetics only haha)Piet Mondrian is the founder of the Neoplasticism in the abstract art. As he created this style himself in the Netherlands, during the First World War, he explains his inspiration, saying “It is logical that art is the plastic expression of our nature, but it is also logical that art is the expression of the nature inside us and around us.” The new movement he created was part of the circle of Theo Van Doesburg, founded in the Netherlands and based on the geometric order of the lines and the spiritual harmony that was craved at the time by the suffering Europe.

about Ai apple architecture art buildings Claude Monet Claude Monet series Collection of works colour design EnglishVersion EnglishVesion fine arts garden jean nouvel landscape architecture link neoplasticism oil painting Qatar National Museum sd singapore changi airport software stable diffusion technology website works of art 人工智能 克劳德莫奈 变调 建筑 建筑.EnglishVesion 景园 景观 油画 绘画 网站 美术 色彩 艺术 莫奈 设计 风景园林